> 师资队伍 > 按系所排序 > 果树学系
  • 姓  名:孔瑾
  • 学  历:博士
  • 职  称:教授
  • 所在系别:果树学系
  • 联系电话:010-62734086
  • 电子邮箱:jinkong@cau.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:1 .非生物胁迫的转录调控 2 .非生物胁迫下的活性氧清除

Ⅰ. 教学工作


主讲留学生全英文课程 Advanced Plant Biology。

Ⅱ. 科研工作



1.      国家自然基金面上项目响应盐胁迫的珠美海棠水通道蛋白的功能解析 ” 主持(2014.01-2017.12

2.      国家自然基金面上项目珠眉海棠中‘MAPK级联通路磷酸化转录因子MzWRKY6’调控盐胁迫响应的分子机制主持(2018.01-2021.12)

3.      国家自然科学基金联合基金项目新疆野苹果MdWRKY1基因通过调控矮化适应干旱的分子机制主持(2019.01-2021.12


发表学术论文30余篇,作为通讯/第一作者发表SCI文章16篇,累计影响因子123.3。近五年以通讯作者在Journal of Pineal ResearchPlant PhysiologyNew PhytologistHorticulture Research等杂志发表多篇文章。

[1] Shan D, Wang C, Zheng X, Hu Z, Zhu Y, Zhao Y, Jiang A, Zhang H, Shi K, Bai Y, Yan T, Wang L, Sun Y, Li J, Zhou Z, Guo Y, Kong J. MKK4-MPK3-WRKY17-mediated salicylic acid degradation increases susceptibility to Glomerella leaf spot in apple. Plant Physiol. 2021 Mar 8;186(2):1202–19.

[2] Zheng X, Zhao Y, Shan D, Shi K, Wang L, Li Q, Wang N, Zhou J, Yao J, Xue Y, Fang S, Chu J, Guo Y, Kong J. MdWRKY9 overexpression confers intensive dwarfing in the M26 rootstock of apple by directly inhibiting brassinosteroid synthetase MdDWF4 expression. New Phytol. 2018 Feb;217(3):1086-1098.

[3] Shi K, Liu X, Zhu Y, Bai Y, Shan D, Zheng X, Wang L, Zhang H, Wang C, Yan T, Zhou F, Hu Z, Sun Y, Guo Y, Kong J. MdWRKY11 improves copper tolerance by directly promoting the expression of the copper transporter gene MdHMA5. Hortic Res. 2020 Jul 1;7:105.

[4] Zhang H, Wang L, Shi K, Shan D, Zhu Y, Wang C, Bai Y, Yan T, Zheng X, Kong J. Apple tree flowering is mediated by low level of melatonin under the regulation of seasonal light signal. J Pineal Res. 2019 Mar;66(2):e12551.

[5] Wang L, Feng C, Zheng X, Guo Y, Zhou F, Shan D, Liu X, Kong J. Plant mitochondria synthesize melatonin and enhance the tolerance of plants to drought stress. J Pineal Res. 2017 Oct;63(3).

[6]Zhang H, Liu X, Chen T, Ji Y, Shi K, Wang L, Zheng X, Kong J. Melatonin in Apples and Juice: Inhibition of Browning and Microorganism Growth in Apple Juice. Molecules. 2018 Feb 27;23(3):521.

[7] Zuo B, Zheng X, He P, Wang L, Lei Q, Feng C, Zhou J, Li Q, Han Z, Kong J. Overexpression of MzASMT improves melatonin production and enhances drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants. J Pineal Res. 2014 Nov;57(4):408-17.

[8] Wang L, Li QT, Lei Q, Feng C, Zheng X, Zhou F, Li L, Liu X, Wang Z, Kong J. Ectopically expressing MdPIP1;3, an aquaporin gene, increased fruit size and enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic tomatoes. BMC Plant Biol. 2017 Dec 19;17(1):246.

[9] Zheng X, Zhou J, Tan DX, Wang N, Wang L, Shan D, Kong J. Melatonin Improves Waterlogging Tolerance of Malus baccata (Linn.) Borkh. Seedlings by Maintaining Aerobic Respiration, Photosynthesis and ROS Migration. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Apr 5;8:483.

[10] Zheng X, Tan DX, Allan AC, Zuo B, Zhao Y, Reiter RJ, Wang L, Wang Z, Guo Y, Zhou J, Shan D, Li Q, Han Z, Kong J. Chloroplastic biosynthesis of melatonin and its involvement in protection of plants from salt stress. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 1;7:41236



2015年获得专利“一种提高植物光合作用和产量的抗氧化农缩复合剂” 授权
