> 师资队伍 > 专任教师 > 按系所排序 > 果树学系
  • 姓  名:李威(2017)
  • 学  历:博士
  • 职  称:教授
  • 所在系别:果树学系
  • 电子邮箱:liwei0522898@163.com
  • 研究方向:果树生物技术与种质创新

Ⅰ. 教学工作

  园艺作物育种学(I、II), 高级园艺作物遗传育种学,园艺学实验技术,Advanced Horticultural Plant Genetics and Breeding(英文授课)

Ⅱ. 科研工作


  1. 国家自然科学基金,优秀青年基金项目,“苹果砧木分子设计育种”,(2025.1-2027.12),主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“独脚金内酯通过MdBRC1调控苹果不定根发生的分子机制”,(2023.1-2026.12),主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“基于解析miR156-SPL调控苹果不定芽再生的分子机制提高遗传转化效率的研究”,(2021.1-2024.12),主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,“基于CRISPR/Cas9瞬时表达技术研究独脚金内酯合成关键基因调控苹果砧木不定根发生的分子机制”,(2019.1-2021.12),主持

  5. 国家重点研发计划子课题,“砧木调控接穗的致矮机制”,(2018.07-2022.12),主持


1)Li, W., Chu, C.; Li, H., Zhang, H., Sun, H., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Li, Y., Foster, T., López-Girona, E., Yu, J., Li, Y., Ma, Y., Zhang K., Han, Y., Zhou, B., Fan, X., Xiong Y., Deng, C., Wang, Y., Xu, X. and Han, Z. (2024) Near-gapless and haplotype-resolved apple genomes provide insights into the genetic basis of rootstock-induced dwarfing. Nature Genetics 56, 505-516.

2)Li, H., Sun, H., Dong, H., Wang, S., Fan, X., Li, Y., Cheng, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Han, Z.* and Li, W*. (2023) Genome editing of apple SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDNG PROTEIN-LIKE 6 enhances adventitious shoot regeneration. Plant Physiology 191, 840-843.*通讯作者)

3)Fan, X., Li, Y., Deng, C.H., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Qiu, C., Xu, X., Han, Z.* and Li, W*. (2023) Strigolactone regulates adventitious root formation via MdSMXL7-MdWRKY6- MdBRC1 signaling cascade in apple. Plant Journal 113, 772-786.*通讯作者)

4)Fan, X., Li, H., Guo, Y., Sun, H., Wang, S., Qi, Q., Jiang, X., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Qiu, C., Li, W.* and Han, Z.* (2022) Integrated multi-omics analysis uncovers roles of mdm-miR164b-MdORE1 in strigolactone-mediated inhibition of adventitious root formation in apple. Plant Cell & Environment 45, 3582-3603.*通讯作者)

5)Zhai, L., Wang, X., Tang, D., Qi, Q., Yer, H., Jiang, X., Han, Z., McAvoy, R., Li, W. * and Li, Y. * (2021) Molecular and physiological characterization of the effects of auxin-enriched rootstock on grafting. Horticulture Research 8, 74.*通讯作者)

6)Li, W., Zhai, L., Strauss, S., Yer, H., Merewitz, E., Chen, J., Wang, X., Zhuang, W., Chen, Y., McAvoy, R., Han, Z. and Li, Y. (2019) Transgenic reduction of cytokinin levels in roots inhibits root-sprouting in Populus. Plant Physiology 180, 1788-1792

7)Li, W., Fang, C., Krishnan, S., Chen, J., Yu, H., Murphy, A. S., Merewitz, E., Katin-Grazzini, L., McAvoy, R. J., Deng, Z., Zale, J. and Li, Y. (2017) Elevated auxin and reduced cytokinin contents in rootstocks improve their performance and grafting success. Plant Biotechnology Journal 15, 1556-1565.

8)Li, W., Hu, W., Fang, C., Chen, L., Zhuang, W., Katin-Grazzini, L., McAvoy, R. J., Guillard, K. and Li, Y. (2016) An AGAMOUS intron-driven cytotoxin leads to flowerless tobacco and produces no detrimental effects on vegetative growth of either tobacco or poplar. Plant Biotechnology Journal 142276–2287.

9)Chen, L.#, Li, W.#, Katin-Grazzini, L.#, Ding, J.#, Gu, X., Li, Y., Gu, T., Wang, R., Lin, X., Deng, Z., McAvoy, R., Gmitter, F., Deng, Z., Zhao, Y. and Li, Y. (2018) A method for the production and expedient screening of CRISPR/Cas9- mediated non-transgenic mutant plants. Horticulture Research 5, 13. #共同一作)




  3)Horticultural Plant Journal 编委、《植物资源与环境学报》编委、Fruit Research青年编委

IV. 奖励情况








