> 师资队伍 > 专任教师 > 按系所排序 > 果树学系
  • 姓  名:刘扬
  • 学  历:博士
  • 职  称:教授
  • 所在系别:果树学系
  • 电子邮箱:liuyang_yuanyi@cau.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:环境因子调控葡萄生长发育和果实品质形成的分子机理;葡萄分子设计育种







(1) Sun Y, Zheng Y, Wang W, Yao H, Ali Z, Xiao M, Ma Z, Li J, Zhou W, Cui J, Yu K, Liu Y*. (2024). VvFHY3 links auxin and endoplasmic reticulum stress to regulate grape anthocyanin biosynthesis at high temperatures. Plant Cell 14:koae303.

(2) Zheng Y, Sun Y, Liu Y*. (2023). Emerging Roles of FHY3 and FAR1 as System Integrators in Plant Development. Plant Cell Physiol. 64(10):1139-1145.

(3) Sun Y, Zheng Y, Yao H, Ma Z, Xiao M, Wang H, Liu Y*. (2023). Light and jasmonic acid coordinately regulate the phosphate responses under shade and phosphate starvation conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Direct. 2023 Jun 24;7(6):e504.

(4) Feng C, Zhang X, Du B, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Sun Y, Zhou X, Wang C, Liu Y*, Li TH*. (2023). MicroRNA156ab regulates apple plant growth and drought tolerance by targeting transcription factor MsSPL13. Plant Physiol. 192(3):1836-1857.

(5) Peng X, Feng C, Wang YT, Zhang X, Wang YY, Sun YT, Xiao YQ, Zhai ZF, Zhou X, Du BY, Wang C, Liu Y*, Li TH*. (2022). miR164g-MsNAC022 acts as a novel module mediating drought response by transcriptional regulation of reactive oxygen species scavenging systems in apple. Hortic Res. 9:uhac192.

(6) Zhai Z, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Sun Y, Peng X, Feng C, Zhang X, Du B, Zhou X, Wang C, Liu Y*, Li TH*. (2022). Abscisic acid-responsive transcription factors PavDof2/6/15 mediate fruit softening in sweet cherry. Plant Physiol. 190(4):2501-2518.

(7) Liu Y*, Sun Y, Yao H, Zheng Y, Cao S, Wang H. (2022). Arabidopsis Circadian Clock Repress Phytochrome a Signaling. Front Plant Sci. 13:809563.

(8) Liu Y, Jafari F, Wang H. (2021). Integration of light and hormone signaling pathways in the regulation of plant shade avoidance syndrome. aBIOTECH. 2(2):131-145.

(9) Liu Y#, Ma M#, Li G, Yuan L, Xie Y, Wei H, Ma X, Li Q, Devlin PF, Xu X, Wang H. (2020). Transcription factors FHY3 and FAR1 regulate light-induced CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32(5):1464–1478.

(10) Liu Y, Wang H. (2020). JA modulates phytochrome a signaling via repressing FHY3 activity by JAZ proteins. Plant Signaling Behavior 15(3):1726636. 

(11) Xie Y, Liu Y, Ma M, Zhou Q, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Wang B, Wei H, Wang H. (2020). Arabidopsis FHY3 and FAR1 integrate light and strigolactone signaling to regulate branching. Nature Communications 11(1):1955. 

(12) Liu Y, Wei H, Ma M, Li Q, Kong D, Sun J, Ma X, Wang B, Chen C, Xie Y, Wang H. (2019). Arabidopsis FHY3 and FAR1 regulate the balance between growth and defense responses under shade conditions. Plant Cell 31(9):2089-2106.

(13) Liu Y#, Xie Y#, Wang H, Ma X, Yao W, Wang H. (2017). Light and ethylene coordinately regulate the phosphate starvation response through transcriptional regulation of PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE1. Plant Cell 29(9):2269-2284.

(14) Xie Y#Liu Y#, Wang H, Ma X, Wang B, Wu G, Wang H. (2017). Phytochrome-interacting factors directly suppress MIR156 expression to enhance shade-avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 8(1):348.

(15) Chen Q, Liu Y, Maere S, Lee E, Van Isterdael G, Xie Z, Xuan W, Lucas J, Vassileva V, Kitakura S, Marhavý P, Wabnik K, Geldner N, Benková E, Le J, Fukaki H, Grotewold E, Li C, Friml J, Sack F, Beeckman T, Vanneste S. (2015). A coherent transcriptional feed-forward motif model for mediating auxin-sensitive PIN3 expression during lateral root development. Nature Communications 6:8821.

(16) Liu Y, Deng Y, Li G, Zhao J. (2013) Replication factor C1 (RFC1) is required for double-strand break repair during meiotic homologous recombination in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 73(1):154-65.

(17) Ren Y, Liu Y, Chen H, Li G, Zhang X, Zhao J. (2012). Type 4 metallothionein genes are involved in regulating Zn ion accumulation in late embryo and in controlling early seedling growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environment 35(4):770-89.




