> 师资队伍 > 专任教师 > 按系所排序 > 蔬菜学系
  • 姓  名:杜敏敏
  • 学  历:
  • 职  称:教授
  • 所在系别:蔬菜学系
  • 电子邮箱:duminmin@cau.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:番茄种质创新与分子育种


杜敏敏,教授,博士生导师,长期以番茄为主要对象,研究植物激素介导的生长和防御机制,同时还开展番茄分子育种相关的应用研究工作。代表性研究成果包括:1)揭示了生长素介导的双子叶植物幼苗顶端弯钩的形成机制;2)阐明了茉莉酸介导的抗病反应的激活、级联放大及终止的转录调控机制;3)建立了一种快速创制番茄雄性不育系并用于杂交种子生产的技术体系。以第一或通讯作者(含并列)在Science Advances、Annual Review of Plant Biology、Plant Cell(3篇)、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Horticulture Research和Theoretical and Applied Genetics等期刊发表学术论文9篇。相关成果获得中国发明专利2项并申请美国专利1项;参与培育番茄新品种6个。近年来,杜敏敏博士的研究兴趣是解析野生番茄优异性状的遗传基础和分子机理,并应用于番茄品种改良。


1.中国农业大学杰出人才项目“番茄果实发育及品质形成的时空调控机理” (2022-2027)主持




5.国家重点研发计划子课题 “番茄杂种优势利用技术与强优势杂交种创制” (2017-2020)主持    


(#first authors, *corresponding authors)

1. Yang H#, Zhou K#, Wu Q#, Jia X, Wang H, Yang W, Lin L, Hu X, Pan B, Li P, Huang T, Xu X, Li J, Jiang J*, Du M*. The tomato WRKY-B transcription factor modulates lateral branching by targeting BLIND, PIN4 and IAA15. Horticulture Research, 2024; uhae193.

2. Zhou X#, Gao H, Zhang X, Khashi u Rahman M, Mazzoleni S, Du M*, Wu F*. Plant extracellular self-DNA inhibits growth and induces immunity via the jasmonate signaling pathway. Plant Physiology, 2023, https://doi.org/ 10.1093/plphys/kiad195.

3. Zhou M, Deng L, Yuan G, Zhao W, Ma M, Sun C, Du M*, Li C and Li C. Rapid generation of a tomato male sterility system and its feasible application in hybrid seed production. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023. 136:197

4. Du M#, Bou Daher F#, Liu Y, Steward A, Tillmann M, Zhang X, Wong JH, Ren H, Cohen J, Li C*, Gray W*. Biphasic control of cell expansion by auxin coordinates etiolated seedling development. Science Advances, 2022, 8(2), p.eabj1570.

5. Yang H#, Wang H#, Jiang J, Liu M, Liu Z, Tan Y, Zhao T, Zhang H, Chen X, Li J, Wang A*, Du M* and Xu X*. The Sm gene conferring resistance to gray leaf spot disease encodes a NBS-LRR plant resistance protein in tomato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022.

6. Du M#, Spalding E and Gray W*. Rapid auxin-mediated cell expansion. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 2020, 71:379-402.

7. Du M#*, Zhou K#, Liu Y#, Deng L#, Zhang X, Lin L, Zhou M, Zhao W, Wen C, Xing J, Li C-B* and Li C*. A biotechnology-based male sterility system for hybrid seed production in tomato. Plant Journal, 2020, 102:1090-1100.

8. Liu Y#, Du M#, Deng L#, Shen J, Fang M, Chen Q, Lu Y, Wang Q, Li C* and Zhai Q*. MYC2 regulates the termination of jasmonate signaling via an autoregulatory negative feedback loop. Plant Cell, 2019, 31:106-127.

9. Du M#, Zhao J#, Tzeng D, Liu Y, Deng L, Zhai Q, Wu F, Huang Z, Zhou M, Wang Q, Chen Q, Zhong S, Li C-B and Li C. MYC2 orchestrates a hierarchical transcriptional cascade that regulates jasmonate-mediated plant immunity in tomato. Plant Cell, 2017, 29:1883-1906.

10. Du M#, Zhai Q#, Deng L, Li S, Li H, Yan L, Huang Z, Wang B, Jiang H, Huang T, Li C-B, Wei J, Kang K, Li J and Li C. Closely-related NAC transcription factors of tomato differentially regulate stomatal closure and reopening during pathogen attack. Plant Cell, 2014, 26: 3167-3184.

11. 杜敏敏,周明,邓磊,李传友,李常保.番茄分子育种现状与展望——从基因克隆到品种改良.园艺学报2017.

12. 王傲雪等.番茄生物技术.黑龙江科学技术出版社, 2023.(副主编)


  李常保,杜敏敏,李传友,邓磊,周明,温常龙. 一种通过基因组编辑创制番茄雄性不育系的方法及其应用.国家发明专利.CN109207505B.
