> 新闻中心 > 通知公告

发布日期:2021-01-08 字体:[ ] 浏览次数:

报告题目:1. Fresh fig industry: progress and challenges (鲜食无花果产业:进展与挑战)

                    2. Medical Cannabis: cultivation and breeding 医用大麻:栽培和育种

人:以色列农科院Moshe A. Flaishman教授


   点:园艺楼110报告厅(ZOOM会议ID: 94510109257 密码: 344961

人:马会勤教授 hqma@cau.edu.cn



Prof. Moshe A. Flaishman 

Institute of Plant Sciences, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) of Israel |  


Prof. Flaishman received his Ph.D from department of botany, faculty of life sciences at Tel Aviv University. Update now, he has four major research interests: 1) Physiological and molecular approaches toward understanding flower and fruit development in deciduous fruit trees. 2) Development of biotechnological improvements of apple, pear and fig fruits. 3) Conventional breeding system in fig and pear. 4) Cultivation and breeding techniques of medical cannabis. He has published 146 publications, co-edited two book chapters, and has a number of allowed patents and registered cultivars. 





